Saturday, February 20, 2010


Hi. I'm not really sure how to start this, so I guess I will just start. So here goes.

Truth be told, I reserved this blog space back in May 2009, gave it a name, and then subsequently failed to actually write it. That said, following a really deep, heartfelt, and frankly, difficult conversation with my husband last night I've decided to take "the plunge" as they say and finally get this blog started.

By way of background information on me (for those few who may actually be interested), I am currently residing in Arlington, VA. My husband, "DoubleB" (as I will refer to him to maintain some level of anynomity since I've not actually asked him for permission to be blogged about), is currently a law school student. We celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary on November 1, 2009. In many ways we are polar opposites in the way of politics (I am firmly blue; he red), but are best friends and true partners in this journey. We live a happy, if not, quiet life and have no idea where we will be in years to come.

I'm not sure exactly when my love of film started, but I guess if I had to pinpoint it, I would say it was in high school. For about 2 years I worked as clerk in a local "Mom and Pop" video rental store in Langhorne, PA. By far, the most fun I ever had working - weekend days and weekday nights renting videos to families in the area, all the while entertaining ourselves watching "Empire Records" and "So I Married An Axe Murderer" (Excuse me, I believe I ordered the LARGE cappacino? Hello, look at the size of this thing, it's like Disney's cup-o-chino) over and over again making sure to fast forward through the parts determined "objectionable" by the store manager.

Since then, my love of film has only grown. Whether it is mainstream romantic comedy, action-adventure, art/indie drama, bro-mance, or dramedy, if it's in the theatre (or DVD) and tells a story, I want to see it. Well, that is mostly true. Of course, there are always the few (or many?) that do not quite make muster. You know, the dust-covered, B rated flick you see only 1 copy of on the video shelf, with the blond floosy and dumb-founded markedly-less-than-average looking/witted guy. Those are best left right where they are - on the dust covered shelf in the back of the store under the title "Best Deals".

But I digress. I suppose now that I am a considerable way through this post, I should probably tell you (if you haven't already guessed. Have you? I hope so), what the point of this blog is. In a word - MOVIES. Or for you artsie types, I guess I can also call it FILM. I will do my best to use both somewhat interchangeably to ensure equal opportunity. In this blog I will attempt to write my best and informative and hopefully, amusing, movie reviews.

Oh and in case anyone is having trouble figuring it out, the name of my blog "The Bee Charmer" (to be pronounced in your thickest southern belle accent) comes from one of my favorite films of all time. Fried Green Tomatoes. I won't write about that one now... I'll leave that for a follow-on post, but in the meantime, if you haven't seen it I sincerely suggest you do!

Okay, I think I've sufficiently written enough at this point to serve as a first post. So, I'll leave it now.